Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Murder Mysteries at the Brook Forest Inn

For me there is no mystery of who the murderers are, or why they did it. It is usually this time of the year that the murders at the Historic Brook Forest Inn begin. I receive a call, I ask the same questions every time, "Who do you want murdered?", "How many men and how many women will be attending?", and "What theme and time period do you want?". I am Miss CeeCee Clueless and I write and facilitate murder mystery dinners at the Brook Forest Inn.

It is NOT dinner theater, each person is a character, you search the Inn for bodies, clues, and guns. You win if you solve the murder, or if you have the most blackmail money, or the most guns. The rules are Lie, Deny, Blackmail, and Steal and drunkenness is encouraged.

This week I am writing a mystery for children ranging in the ages of 6 to 10. None of the above rules apply, I cannot encourage children to lie, steal and blackmail. Drunkenness and murder are out of the question. (And since the Christmas Cookie decorating event/disaster, I am even opposed to giving children anything containing sugar. Small children, mass quantity of colored sugar frosting's and sprinkles, in a vintage Inn - what could possibly go wrong!)

I have written and facilitated countless murder mysteries over the last five years. The process is always the same. I wander around, mumbling, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, trying to come up with characters. I do not leave my house, I shut off all communication with the outside world - I wait for inspiration - I've got nothing!

Miss Penny Pincher, trail of pennies? Doodoo Donut Hole, trail of donuts? Midget circus - no midget traveling magic show - No! the children are a private investigating agency with special powers? special skills? Hula Hoops, jump ropes, rubber snakes - play dough - will play dough come out of carpet? (I learned a lot from the Christmas Cookie decorating disaster) I need handcuffs (that are not fur lined).

I've got nothing! I need to leave my house, walk the Lake, go to the Library and the grocery store.

Madam Zelda, the Gypsy fortune teller, would they know what a gypsy fortune teller is, I mumble, hoping people will think I'm on the phone and not a crazy lady talking to the apples and pears! I've got nothing!

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